The Happy Hormone Cottage Podcast
Lyn Hogrefe, MS Ed, is the founder and executive director of the Happy Hormone Cottage, which she started in 2009 in the heart of Centerville, as a safe place for women to share their stories and be heard and validated. Through her own journey with an emergency radical hysterectomy at the age of 49, she recognized the huge gap between what our doctors and standard of care were telling us about hormone balance and the truth about the needs of our body and the important tasks of our hormones. With the help of her compounding pharmacist husband, she fought her way back to wellness. Her experience inspired her to open the Happy Hormone Cottage. The Happy Hormone Cottage exists to educate women on their options for natural hormone balance, prevention of disease and wellness throughout life.
***Although our HHC has a telemedicine license to easily service clients in Ohio and Florida, we can also work with clients who live out of state as long as they come and visit us in person annually. Our goal in publishing this podcast nationally is for the educational value contained within. Education is key!***
The Happy Hormone Cottage Podcast
Episode #10 - 5 Happy Hormone Hotties Connect on their Journey to their BEST LIVES Naturally
5 women whose ages range from their 30’s-60’s who are patients of The Happy Hormone Cottage talk about their experiences with their bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
- Anitamarie, 64 - Started therapy in 2010 - Symptoms included low libido, felt off, foggy thinking, & depression
- Lisa, 36 - Started therapy in 2018 - Symptoms included anxiety & postpartum depression
- Cynthia, 51 - Started therapy in 2022 - Symptoms included joint pain, weight gain, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, impatient, & moodiness
- Theresa, 61 - Started therapy in 2010 - Symptoms included hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, & thyroid issues
- Niki, 43 - Started therapy in 2022 - Symptoms included thyroid issues, & suspected adrenal issues
Questions asked:
- What were you experiencing that made you feel that something wasn't quite right?
- When you knew you weren't feeling like yourself who did you go and talk to first?
- Once you finally realized that your hormones were out of balance what were your hesitations or concerns regarding hormone therapy?
- Are there any benefits that you have seen from being on hormone therapy that were unexpected?
- If you were talking to your friends about hormone therapy what would you say to them?
- How do you feel now?
To get started on your own journey toward all natural hormone balance, call us at 513-444-6343.
***Although our HHC has a telemedicine license to easily service clients in Ohio and Florida, we can also work with clients who live out of state as long as they come and visit us in person annually. Our goal in publishing this podcast nationally is for the educational value contained within. Education is key!***
Pam: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the Happy Hormone Cottage Podcast at the Happy Hormone Cottage. We are all about helping women and men understand the aging process, how our bodies change over time, and the importance of balancing our hormones so that we can live our best life. Our motto at the Happy Hormone Cottage is get tested, get treated, get better.
My name is Pam Gross and today we are going to talk to five women who are going through the various stages of the quote aging process. And we're going to learn more about their experiences from the initial, I'm not quite feeling like myself, to what the heck is happening to me. Where do I go with my questions?
What do I do about feeling better and finding answers and solutions at the Happy Hormone Cottage? I am joined by the warrior of women's wellness, Lyn Hogrefe, the founder and executive director of Happy [00:01:00] Hormone Cottage. Welcome Lyn. Thank you. Happy to be here. Thank you. Lyn, I think you and I are both excited about talking to our panel, and so let's do some quick introductions.
First, I want to introduce, we've got with us today, Nikki. We've got Cynthia, we've got Anita Marie, we've got Teresa, and we've got Lisa. So welcome ladies, and thank you so much for joining us. Lyn, this is a great panel. It's with ages ranging from 30s to the 60s. Yes, which is perfect. Yep. Lots of different perspectives.
There's a saying that age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Lyn: True. And I think that's true.
Pam: It is so true. This is going to be a great conversation. And so let's just get, let's just get right into it. The first question I have for all of you is [00:02:00] what were you experiencing that made you feel like something wasn't quite right?
It doesn't matter what order you want to go in. Whoever's brave enough to go first. I'll start.
Anita Marie: My name's Anita Marie and I'm 64 and I've been on hormone therapy with the Happy Hormone Cottage since May of 2010. And if you ask my husband he'll tell you libido. Me, I would say that plus just. I felt off. I felt my thinking wasn't clear.
I was never, I've never been a depressed person, but I could feel phases of depression, which was odd. Just the clarity, just not feeling in sync, not in rhythm, not feeling like myself. So I would watch Oprah. Oprah was talking about it like crazy. And so I was constantly watching her and we were living in Springville at the time.
And so I was looking at the area around different, [00:03:00] looking at different things in the area to get my footing, figure out what is all this stuff? Where does it fit? And then my husband one day was at Panera and he found a flyer on their bulletin board. And it was for the happy hormone cottage. And he pulled it off and he brought it home to me and he said, maybe this place can help you.
And I thought, my first reaction was, are you crazy? That was my first reaction. The happy mom on cottage. Yeah, I thought he was nuts. So I put the flyer down on. My counter, I was making dinner and I had the little TV on in the kitchen, finishing up Oprah and after Oprah, a commercial comes on and it's Lyn holography and she's talking about the happy hormone cottage.
And I'm like, oh, my gosh. And I listened to her commercial. So then I thought I'm going to call her, of course, I called her the next day and that was back in the day when Lyn was really first starting out so I could talk to her [00:04:00] directly and I was asking her a million questions and I knew she was on to something, but I was very hesitant because I thought it would just seem everything seemed odd to me.
So that was the beginning of my journey with Happy Hormone Cottage. Goes on from there. Eventually I went on got tested went on therapy. I ended up working for Lyn and I hired
Lyn: Work for me
Pam: When you talked about how your husband brought the flyer the flyer home and then you and then you had a commercial that came on and it was Lyn, that is a sign.
Lyn: It had to be; it was.
Anita Marie: Cause I initially thought he was crazy. And then I guess he was waiting for his food and reading the bulletin board at Panera. But anyway, yeah, it just. One thing led to another and I knew Lyn was on to something. The education is what I needed because in the direction, because Oprah was talking about it.
And so I knew it was all [00:05:00] out there, but how did it apply to me and my little world in
Pam: Springboro? Sorry, Anita Marie. What about anyone else who wants to go next? Tell us about what you were experiencing, similar to what Anita Marie just described, that you knew something wasn't quite right.
Lyn: We've got to hear Lisa's story.
You've got a really great one. Miss Lisa, the baby of the group at 36. His birthday was a couple of days ago. My love. Happy birthday. Thank
Lisa: you. Yes. And what a wonderful way to celebrate hormones. Yes. Yes. My one of my favorite subjects. But so I started with the happy hormone cottage five years ago when my daughter was born and I had.
I've been experiencing severe symptoms of both postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety, although I had good practitioners in terms of traditional medicine [00:06:00] and was on prescription medication. The symptoms just were still continuing. So then, Lyn was a family friend, and she said, you have got to come in.
Like, you've got to come in. We've got to get you on progesterone. And I was like, No, no. And then suffered unnecessarily for a little bit longer. And then I did go in and it was truly life changing, so I am forever grateful. And we
Lyn: love you. It's mutual. Aww. I think I feel it too. Seriously, I do. She's been an, it's an amazing journey of suffering and then hope, and she's changing lives on her own, so just a great
Pam: story.
Cynthia. Do you want to share kind of your experience about what wasn't quite how you didn't quite feel like yourself Gosh, I’m
Cynthia: 51 now and some days I’m like i'm surprised I’m even alive this long.
Pam: Um,
I'm only laughing because I just had my 58th birthday and I was convinced that I was [00:07:00] never ever going to be 58 years old and you're 51. You're just a baby.
Cynthia: I'm an advanced practice nurse and I work all the time and I don't know. I'm always telling other people how to be healthier, but I thought maybe I should start listening to some of my own advice because I do try to stay very active.
I hike. Probably 10 15 miles a week, and I don't know, I ride my bike, I try to stay really busy, but I was always having a lot of joint pain, um, hot flashes, trouble sleeping at night, I don't know, and I don't have a whole lot of patients at baseline anyway. And I just seemed, I don't know, I was starting to have even less patience, be even more moody.
I thought I have to do something. I went to my own primary care providers and usually it's like the same old story all the time. Oh, Cynthia, you just need more rest, maybe take a vacation, maybe eat better, get more sleep, I don't know. I felt like I was trying to do all those things already and it wasn't working.
Out of desperation, someone told me about the Happy Hormone Cottage. I can't even remember at this point, it's been over [00:08:00] a year. And it was probably the best choice I've ever made. It was there that I learned that I was severely iron deficient. And once I started getting on supplementation and replacing my hormones, my joint pain is so much better.
I don't have clot slashes. I can sleep now through the night. So it's really been a whole, a life changing.
Pam: That's great. So great to hear that. Yeah, that is great to hear. It's amazing. How about you, Teresa?
Teresa: First, I apologize for moving around with my phone.
Niki: That's alright.
Teresa: Finally settled. I am 51, 61 years old, and I've been with the Happy Mormon Cottage since 2010 as well, and I started out with having, Issues with hot flashes, the night sweats, low libido, quite a few things.
And I also do not have a thyroid. So that was part of it as well. And the happy hormone cottage, when they got me on my program, it's [00:09:00] really changed my whole life. Everything has, it seems healthier and. I couldn't be more pleased. I'm a definite advocate of the process and the program and all the supplements, the creams, my favorite, and I'd have to say that it's changed my life.
It's made me. Stay feeling young and just some other good things that come about it is the hair thickening, the, there's quite a few, the skin, you name it, it's changed in a lot of ways for me.
Lyn: And Teresa, I remember we had lunch once before you had moved to California and you were very fatigued and tired.
You were really dragging and you're full of pep and vigor. Typically, I knew something was off just because you said I'm just so tired. And so I'm so happy that we were able to adjust therapy as needed. And Talk about the cost. It didn't cost an arm and a leg, a kidney. Maybe I'm kidding. It didn't cost an arm and a leg.
Talk about the expense of it for a second. The
Teresa: expense being that under my [00:10:00] insurance that I was under, I had to do a pay by cash and it was well worth it to me. No matter what the price was and the timeline of where I was at in my life for the last 13 years, I still made a point of finding a way to Make sure I was able to get my creams and supplements.
Lyn: That's awesome. Thanks for sharing your story
Pam: When who do we forget? I miss Nicky
Lyn: Nicky Nicky Johnson. Yes, Nicky.
Niki: Hi So mine's a little bit of a twist here about a year ago. I was in a horrific car accident and they had to Pretty much emergency save me, et cetera, et cetera. And it depleted every bit of the journey that I had previously found three years back that I was hyperthyroidism.
And so I was doing so well, feeling amazing. And then when the surgery to save my life, they had to. Work on my stomach and I lost like some intestines and all that good jazz And so it really just depleted every bit of [00:11:00] my journey of supplements and working on that thyroid and not having a uterus but still having the ovaries kind of thing and I'm 34.
No, ha joke 43
Lyn: It's a brain fog again
Niki: Sorry, I was listening to all those wonderful stories. I'm 43 proudly and I don't want to go back to my late 20s. Thank you very much. That was hard. But I had moved to a town with my husband, this little, small town that we live in now from the hustle and bustle of West Lafayette, Indiana, and couldn't find a doctor and my functioning doctor that had found my thyroid issue for me.
was just too far away and not dedicated anymore towards me like the zooms and all the stuff that the happy hormone does is so it's just so refreshing because even though you are far away from me three hours away in Ohio, I can still just send an email and this functioning doctor I was with my thyroid hormones wasn't helping me [00:12:00] anymore.
So I had to find a surgeon to just piggyback on if I have any things arise with my gut and all that stuff from the automobile injuries. And I happen to find this amazing surgeon who highly recommended me. His name is Dr. Gabrielson. He told me, he said, girl, this is what's going on with your stomach. This we can heal.
This we can do. But you need to go see the Happy Hormone Clinic. And I'm like, is that a made-up name? Like,
Lyn: happy hormone? Are you kidding me?
Niki: I was like, you're kidding with me. You're just trying to bring, bring light because I've been into some kind of bad situations. And he goes, no, I'm serious. Seriously going to even think about my children going and he had older daughters and we just got to talking and I said, okay, doctor, you're the first one to listen to me in this small town with all of my underlying issues from the residual of the car accident, I'll trust you on this.
And so highly recommend this doctor and for surgeon needs, obviously, but because he's supportive of being a man who's like. You're off. Something's off with you. You have the vaginal dryness. You have the sweats. You have the I want to just punch my husband in the [00:13:00] face and just like I don't want you to touch me.
But then when I do want you to touch me, it's only on my terms and just the whole skin and hair. And I don't know if you ladies can agree, but Thank God the noise shut up in my head, like just, oh, this calming came over me and I've only been on this journey for five months. I started in November with Happy Hormone and within two months I had such a turnaround on my body.
I, to go on to the next topic, not to try to go ahead, but I think all of us can agree. Maybe that it's amazing to have lubrication again in our older years because I didn't realize that was such a prominent thing that was missing at just 43 of my age. And so I can't speak enough about the place and.
Everyone's just so educated and they're not just like here, take this big pharma pill, but let's try this supplement because you're deprived here and here along with we can help you with the hormones that your body is telling you that you don't produce anymore because you're estrogen [00:14:00] dominant. Hi, that's me.
Lyn: Be sure and thank your doctor for me. I don't know who he is, but the fact that doctors are now sending their patients to us is really huge and it's turned the tide and why we're so busy now because after our own 13-year journey. When patients go back to the doctors and say, I feel amazing. And they hear that and they remember that they tell their future patients about us.
And that's, it's so validating and it produces credibility. And then hearing your story on top of that just really solidifies the fact that aging is a real thing after the age of 35. And we need to own our journey for our best health naturally. So that as Pam always says, the rest of our lives can be the best of our lives.
And I'm so proud of you for your journey. It makes me cry. Yeah.
Pam: Nikki, I appreciate, because you just gave me the segue into our next question. And it goes to Cynthia, one of the things that you said had to do with the fact that the first, the, the question is. When you knew you weren't feeling like yourself, who did you go and talk to first?
And I know Cynthia, when you were talking, you said that you had gone to your [00:15:00] primary doctor to talk about those things. Expand on that a little bit and then Nikki, it was great that you had a doctor that actually was so proactive because I'll be honest with you and Lyn and I have lots of conversations in regards to this.
Is that most doctors, whether they're OBGYNs, whether they're just primary doctors, it doesn't matter. They don't really get this kind of training in medical school. And so they're really, so there really isn't any real experience there. And so for you to have a doctor who recognized that and then also knew who, who to contact for that.
Wow. He was
Lyn: in Indiana, I think, in a different state.
Niki: He actually was Bloomington, Indiana, and just transferred over to a little small town in Linton, Indiana now, and went away from the big hustle and bustle of Bloomington. But yeah, he was there. He's a well-known surgeon, flax on walls, top surgeon.
Lyn: But how he knew about us is Mike, is incredible.
He's done his homework. He did his homework.
Pam: Yeah. So [00:16:00] Cynthia, back to my question. Sorry. In terms of, you, you talk to your doctor and then walk us through the rest of it. And then I, like. The rest of you to share your experiences and who you approached first, when you knew something wasn't quite right.
Cynthia: I started with my primary care provider and I don't know, I've been there so many times over the years, be checked for to figure out why I continue to gain weight, why my joints hurt, they sent me to a rheumatologist, I've had so much lab work done over the years to explain why I was feeling that way and it always came back to, well, even me as a provider too, and I'm practicing what it was seeing my own patients.
Oh, maybe just need to look at your activity level and your diet and I don't know, stretch more and maybe drink less alcohol or like, I,
Lyn: I need to, I really need to really need Meditate
Cynthia: It was once I said, I have to do something cause I can't live the rest of my life. Some days I could barely walk. My joints hurt so bad at night. I was lucky [00:17:00] if I got a couple hours of sleep continuously because my joints hurt so bad I had to move all the time. But I finally got connected with Happy Hormone Cottage and became more educated and was able to share that.
And I realized how very much our hormones are connected to our metabolism and our joint health and all those sorts of things. Actually, I've been able to start working that into my own teaching. And I've told my own patients about the Hormone Cottage as well. But it was like changing and when I went back to my primary care provider, she said, Oh my gosh, Cynthia.
Thank you so much. She's I don't even think about iron deficiency anemias because I didn't look anemic. My hemoglobin was always good when I'd go to donate blood. I didn't have any other symptoms other than joint pain. So she actually thanked me for increasing her awareness because Like you said, they just don't get that much training in this area.
Pam: Yeah. Definitely. What about you, Teresa? Who did you first approach about not feeling quite yourself? I
Teresa: never got any feedback from [00:18:00] my regular doctors that I was going to. Anytime I brought up something, I was, Oh, you're just premenopause. You're just, there's just. The normal answers and they weren't answers that I was happy with.
So I think the first time for me, if it's been a while Suzanne Summers is I got her books and I was reading them and then I somehow correlated the happy Mormon cottage with her. And then I called and spoke to Leon at one point and just. Got educated and decided to go for
Lyn: it. The interesting thing is I always began my cottage with the step one consultation.
It wasn't really called that back then, Teresa and Anita Marie, but we would all offer a cup of tea and we'd had a box of tissues member in the original cottage and we'd sit and talk and educate you guys and That was always the first step. So Cynthia mentioned understanding what hormones are, why they're important, why you lose them, why you're suffering, what do they do, and the educational piece is so important.
And to this day, we still offer and we still have the [00:19:00] step one consult as the initial entry into the portal of our program. It's the portal of how to get in. Because I think without education, it's just another program. You need to understand why and understand your body. The doctor says, go and walk your dog.
You'll be dead soon. You won't take him at his word, right? There's still a lot of life left in this car.
Pam: Yeah. What about you, Anita Marie? Did you approach your primary doctor first?
Anita Marie: I did. And the first thing she said to me was you're depressed. And she gave me a list of all the depressants, the antidepressants.
And she said, which one do you want? Because you're at that age where women get depressed. And I took the prescription, I went to the pharmacy to get it filled, and the pharmacist at the time, she had this look on her face, like she said, this, what they're giving you is going to make you sleep all the time.
Anita Marie: And I didn't feel right about it. I just felt something was just wrong. And I knew it in my [00:20:00] gut, something was wrong. And then my husband, I was talking to him about it, of course, I told him, I said, I just. I don't know what's going on with me. And it was, there was a lot of change going on in my life personally, at that time, we, my husband got transferred to Ohio and a lot of newness, my mother was sick, a lot of stuff was going on.
And I knew that, but there was something else. I was smart enough to realize, no, there's something else going on with me. So it was, it was the Suzanne Summers, again, the Oprah just. Reading and listening and I knew there's something out there and the educational resource center that Lyn provided is the gold mine, because that's what people need to understand.
They need to understand what's going on with their bodies and big pharma's sure not going to teach you.
Pam: I think that's something that Lyn and I have discussed in great detail is that I think one of the things that's really great about the Happy Hormone Cottage is [00:21:00] that their focus is on education.
And as we, cause it's very important to Lyn, obviously as a former teacher too, that's very near and dear to our heart. You must deal with the facts and cause that's the only way you're going to overcome the fear. And that's where the education I think is key. So Lisa, as the youngest one in the group here, did you also talk to your primary physician and kind of what was their response?
Lisa: So I was under the care. Since I was still recently postpartum, I was still under my OBGYNs care and was referred to a women's psychiatrist and they did help to an extent. And then I reached out to Lyn separately. So, yes.
Pam: My next question has to do with, okay, so once you finally realize that, okay, my hormones are out of balance and you realize that this was really about your [00:22:00] hormones.
What were your hesitations or concerns in regards to hormone therapy? So when someone says, Oh, yep, this is definitely something you need. Did you have any concerns? Did you have any hesitations? And if you did, what were they? And I'll stay with Lisa here on this. I'm looking straight at you
Lisa: I was desperate. So I said, let's do it. No, there was no hesitation. And it made sense to me after the education piece that would be the progesterone was a missing piece for me. So there was no hesitation.
Lyn: And how long did it take for you to realize that? Oh, this is helping me. Do you remember how much time it took to realize I feel better?
Lisa: Oh, maybe a month or so it
Pam: started making a difference. What you said.
Lyn: Yeah. Three to four weeks. Yeah.
Pam: Cool. Thank you, Lisa. Yeah. Thanks. What about you, Teresa? Did you have [00:23:00] any hesitation?
Teresa: Yeah. My biggest. concern. Before doing the Happy Hormone Cottage, I dabbled in the pellets and that was a bad mistake.
Lyn: Oh no, that isn't so.
Pam: Yeah, but I think it's a common mistake. It is, yeah. Because again, Teresa, Lyn and I have talked about this as well, is because there's lots of clinics that advertise. We are literally inundated with advertisements and things like that. And when you go there, what you find is that the pellets are always the answer.
Yeah. So you're not. That you, yeah, I know. I agree. I'm just saying, but that's not uncommon.
Anita Marie: Yeah. Yeah.
Teresa: And then my, I guess I was more concerned. Is this going to be the same thing, but it proved me it actually worked well. So I was glad I stuck with it and did it.
Teresa: And it, and I felt I got almost immediate reaction from them.
And especially the hot flashes and that just [00:24:00] dissipated and night sweats. Things my friends still, uh, complain about. And I say, Oh, you need to get on the creams. You won't have this. You go out to dinner with friends and they're waving their fans and everything. And it's, Oh, if you would just try them.
They. So when you talk to your friends like that, what is their hesitation and concern? I mean, because obviously they can see that it's working for you and that you feel better. And you're telling them that what is their kind of hesitation? I'm not sure what it is. If to be honest, because I speak about it often and I always put credit towards.
When they're sitting there doing their flashing and everything, it's, look, I'm a perfect example. I am not going through this. I haven't in years and it's baffling to me. You want to go with hot flashes and the night sweats and the mood swings. Yeah.
Pam: But Nina Marie, did you have any concerns or hesitations in regards to the hormone therapy?
Anita Marie: No, no. By the [00:25:00] time I was tested and ready to start, I had done enough. Research and gathered enough information that I was confident that this is the way to go. And as far as symptoms, for me, different symptoms had their own threshold of time before they disappeared or minimized. And it's a. Delivery system is transdermal, so it just, it just takes a while and it takes a while to learn not to put creams or lotions on prior to putting your hormone therapy on top of it because that affects the absorption.
Little tricks you learn when that does help with the absorption, but no, I did not. I was ready to go.
Pam: Good, good. And Nikki, in regards to, because a lot of what you described was the result of your car accident and things like that. When you went on and started the hormone therapy, did you have any concerns or hesitations or anything?
Niki: Yeah, and I think I can touch base [00:26:00] with you on a couple of my friends who are hesitant about this journey because even though I feel so much better, I think stroke. I think, oh, I'm going to gain more weight because you've been so lied to by Uneducated family practitioners that are like progesterone can make you gain weight if you don't get enough of this with the balance of the testosterone.
And so as women, we immediately don't want to gain any more damn weight, darn weight, and definitely don't want to,
Pam: that was not worthy of a buzz, by the way.
Niki: I think a lot of the hesitation in my age group, because I have friends who are either five years younger or five years older. Is I think there's so much noise and so much insecurity and so much of the nothing is working My diet's not working my exercise not working. I'm still this i'm still that this is bs It's it can't be that simple.
It's just and you're like it is that simple But it's not going to be an overnight process You're going to have to trust the process and I think they get so busy in their [00:27:00] worlds of just dealing with chaos that they don't realize that they need to stop and allow some of the chaos to get taken away and put into Some of the calming effects of what the hormone replacement therapy can do for you.
And I was very trepidatious of that because I know at a young age of losing my uterus, it wasn't just my thyroid that was off. I needed this probably at age 30 and I didn't get it. So I went through many failed practitioners, many failed people that were just like, it's just your thyroid. It's just your thyroid.
And it wasn't my thyroid. It didn't get diagnosed until five years ago. And I went and suffered through pretty much what a lot of these lovely women have said. Antidepressants that just turn the noise louder. It didn't stop it. Skin feeling like you could just dip yourself in baby oil just to try to absorb it because your skin is literally cracking on you and you don't know why.
And hair is just going at the buckets full out of your head. And just, you can't focus with your children and you're just mad at your children, but you're not mad at your children. You're mad at [00:28:00] the noise and the chaos. Then you're like guilt ridden because you're like, I'm a crappy mom. What is wrong with me?
And you are scared because you hear from people, I was on hormone replacement therapy and I had a stroke and I had this and it causes cancer and this and that. And you're like, that's the least of the worry I need to worry about right now then.
Pam: So that's just my intake. Yeah. Cynthia, I wanted to ask you, 'cause you come from a little bit of a different perspective, from the sense of, of your practice or as a practitioner, Did you have any hesitations or any concerns in regards to any of this?
Cynthia: Yeah, as far as side effects, I looked into Premarin and other things like that. And as she mentioned, you hear all this, all the noise about risk of stroke, heart attack, increased clotting problems, things like that. So I was aware of that, but I guess being plant based, I felt like the side effect profile, excuse me, was more likely to be less.
And I just knew that even if that was the case. I needed to do something because the next 10 years or 20 years, [00:29:00] however much time, more time I have, I couldn't live, continue to live the way I was living where I can barely walk and I can't sleep and I'm short tempered or whatever. I just couldn't live that way.
It is the best, been the best decision I've made. Good. And actually, I use all three, progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen, and it works great. I mean, it really has balanced me out a lot
Lyn:. And one thing you said that's interesting is that you had the same, the fear of the stroke and the clotting, and that's really the side effects of the hormone replacement therapy that was back in the day with the Conjugated stuff and all the drugs masking as hormones and what we do is the bioidentical and that's where the educational piece comes in.
I think Suzanne Summers is a really great resource. This is Dr. Jeffrey Dasch and that's on my website. There's a resources page to help clear up the confusion and get rid of the fear because I think fear is what promotes the resistance and women just keep on suffering and nothing really ever gets better.
So I really applaud that your courage and open mindedness to give it a whirl. I'm so glad you're feeling better.
Pam: Let me ask you this. Are there any benefits that you have seen from being on hormone therapy? That was [00:30:00] unexpected.
Lyn: Nikki's hand shot up.
Pam: I was going to say, Nikki, you can go.
Niki: I'm sorry. I took notes.
And so when I read it, I don't know if it's just me, but I'm in my 40s and I've always had a very good sex life and with my husband and I. Ever since I've been on the hormone replacement therapy, the orgasms are better. So, I will congratulate the cream, whatever it is.
Lyn: She gets an A for vulnerability. Yes, thank you.
Cynthia: She really does. Phones
Lyn: are ringing at the phones ringing. I need to go answer the phone. That's awesome.
Cynthia: Great side effect.
Pam: Is there anyone else that you saw some unexpected benefits?
Anita Marie: I'll see. I don't know that I thought they were unexpected, but I was just happy that all my concerns were being addressed.
One libido. My husband thinking about when a box of chocolate.
Lyn: No, he did. He did bring me chocolates. He did.
Anita Marie: It wasn't your favorite brand, but it was mine. So yeah.
Lyn: And I always say now your [00:31:00] husband can send me milk chocolate for Mr Price, please. Yeah.
Anita Marie: But so that when I and I 64 now and I tell my husband, Mm.
I'm going to have a heart attack one of these days, if I'm going to go, it works, it does work. So I'm not, it's embarrassing because some of my friends, my husband will say, do you ever talk about sex with your friends? And I'm like, no, they don't bring it up. And I don't even talk about it because I think they're, that's not in their wheelhouse.
And I'm not going to say. Here we're in our 60s and we're still having fun. Another thing, another thing that I noticed too is my skin. I am Italian descent and I do, my mother had very good skin. I have zero wrinkles for 64 years old and I do think hormone therapy has a lot to do with that.
Pam: Yeah. Wow.
Lyn: Estrogen helps produce collagen which helps promote the.
Pam: Yeah, I'm looking at you and you're right, your skin looks beautiful. She's beautiful. It really does. It looks terrific. Anyone else?
Lisa: I was going to [00:32:00] say that one thing I learned about through the education with my nurse practitioner at the Happy Hormone Cottage was I was estrogen dominant as well.
And I didn't realize that if that continued, it could lead to disease, including breast cancer and that progesterone could help me prevent that. It was, it helped me with risks I didn't even know. We're there.
Lyn: So that's a good point. I love that.
Pam: Yeah. We touched on it briefly in regards to, I think it was, I think it was Teresa talking about your friends and with their fans and everything in terms of still putting up with a lot of the symptoms.
So if you're talking to your friends about hormone therapy, what would you say to them? Is that directed to me? It can be it can be anyone We can make it a free for all Okay
Teresa: I was going to touch back on the the other question [00:33:00] One of the things that I had talked to Lyn about with me that was unexpected And I don't know if this is with anybody else.
You may think i'm crazy, but I used to be five two And I'm now 5'5
Lyn: Wow. That's not something I told
anyone in the past. you're welcome.
Cynthia: And you're sure you're not wearing high heels, right? No.
Teresa: And I argue with my regular doctors and tell them I've had growth since being on my hormone therapies. And they're like, no, you haven't. And they measure me and they go, huh. Three inches. That's why.
Lyn: That's great.Thanks for sharing that.
Pam: Yeah, absolutely. Going back to my original question about your friends. If you're talking to them about hormone therapy, what would you say to them?
Teresa: I would say if you want peace in your life and you want to feel normal, get on the hormones [00:34:00] and balance yourself out. Only you have control over that.
How about Nikki? What do you tell your friends in Indiana that are having issues?
Niki: They noticed that I, I changed after being on it for the last five months. They're like, you let things roll off. You don't over analyze and pick it apart. And what is it? And I'm like, I got my hormones checked because you can go and get your car tuned up, but they give you all this information and you're like, okay, what's going to save me money?
And I said, So if you take care of your materialistic things, why aren't you taking care of the most vulnerable thing, which is yourself? And a lot of them listen. And I've got a couple of ladies who are, can I get the name of your cottage? I'm like, absolutely. And then I've had others that say, I went to one and it didn't help me.
And I'm like, so then try again, because there's studs and everything. But I've noticed that most of my friends that I talk to, and this is ages from 30 to 60, 70 years of age, the ones who are suffering hormonally, they don't even sleep with their husbands. Like they have separate [00:35:00] rooms and I've noticed so much of that in the culture now in our days that Women are like this isn't her bathroom and this isn't her bedroom and I'm like that's a problem When you want to separate and you're married for 40 50 60 years or even in the beginning of your marriage You want to separate and be alone?
Get your hormones checked because you're not wanting really to be alone. You just Are not maintenance. So that's how I break it down for them. And it's just really sad. It's almost a pandemic now that I've noticed in different ages of people that, and I'm very adamant about talking about sex because I think that is the key to a wonderful marriage because you can have fun.
That's why you get married. And so it's sad to know that a lot of my friends that do open up to me, they're like, yeah, we don't even sleep together or even share a bathroom together. And I'm like, how long have you been like this?
Pam: It's interesting. Yeah, it is just to wrap everything up. How do you guys feel now?
Cynthia: Amazing. Much better, definitely. I'm so glad.
Niki: I love we have a doctor in the house that's, [00:36:00] Yeah, hormone replacement therapy. Go Cynthia!
Lyn: And not to, well maybe to self promote, but when you're talking to your friends, I know Nikki in Indiana and Anita Marie and Theresa and Lisa and Cynthia. It's so easy to come into a free group zoom session that I offer.
It doesn't cost a dime. It costs 60 minutes of time. They can sign up for the Hormones 101 with Lyn hour session and they can learn more. There's no pressure to perform or to proceed, but it certainly helps maybe educate to alleviate some fears. And so we've made it really easy to help educate women for their best health and they can take the next step if they choose to.
Pam: Absolutely. And happy Hormone Cottage. And Lyn, just from all the conversations we've had over the several months here is the focus really is, and all of you have said the same thing, the focus is the education. Everyone needs to understand what's going on, because that's what we've talked about over and over again, is that number one, we're all different.
So it's that whole one size fits all doesn't one size doesn't fit all. We are all very unique. We [00:37:00] are all very different. And that's why we have to understand that we have to listen to our bodies and then we have to find a person who's going to act as our advocate, who's really going to help educate us as to what's going on.
And that is where Lyn and all her staff and her husband, Jeff, and the Happy Hormone Cottage, I think is key to really making your life much better. It's our passion. It is. Thank you, ladies. I just want to let you all know that you... been so inspirational. And I really appreciate you taking the time and sharing your experiences with us.
And I do hope that you guys will continue on your path to living your best life. As Lyn said, we always say after every show, make the rest of your life the best of your life. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us. We really, we really appreciate it. Thank you so much.
Lyn: Thank you. I'm going to send you each an email as well.
Pam: And Lyn, I, as always, I want to thank you for your time and dedication to making positive changes in people's lives, because you really, truly do change people's lives. And I hope that all of you [00:38:00] listening today, I hope that you, if you're experiencing that whole, what's been described as, I don't feel like myself, Then take action so that you'll start feeling normal again, and you will improve your quality of life.
So, please contact the Happy Hormone Cottage and start the process of feeling your best. So please contact the Happy Hormone Cottage and start the process of feeling your best. Contact Happy Hormone College at
Lyn: 513 444 6343.
Pam: She does it better than I do. Anyway, or go online at thehappyhormonecottage. com and then also check out our other podcasts wherever you get your podcasts and when you're on there, be sure to like us and follow us on the Happy Hormone Cottage.
So everyone, thanks for listening. Thank you so much. Thanks guys. Yeah, you were great.